Green Homes, Realtors, and News in British Columbia is a free online resource of green* related news, tips, opinions, and directories of green products, organizations, and more organizations pertaining to homes and property. In addition to it's presence on the web, the team offers a 'green' realty service throughout British Columbia for both Buyers and Sellers of real estate.
Be sure to check it out. Looks promising. The use of the word "green" is so generic, I seached the site for sustainable and am pleased by the results.
And, if you are not coming to the C.A.N./Solar Power Roadshow event tomorrow, go to this one:
This Saturday, please join us for a fun and informative presentation by James that explores what a greener home is; the benefits of greener homes; and provides tips on how to green your home including leads for green-home grants and financing. Learn about how the real estate market is greening and how to get ahead of the curve. Packed with firsthand stories and website links to access more information, the presentation concludes with an inspiring slideshow of incredible 'natural' BC homes that have been built for less than $75,000!
which is announced on James Rodgers' blog
Location: Light House Sustainable Building Centre
1575 Johnston St, Granville Island (above Rogers Chocolates)
Time: Saturday, December 9, 2-4pm
Technorati Tags: bc, real, estate, sustainable, development, green, changeeverything, building