Car Barn & Science World - Monday, August 9, 2004
High: 33.9 °C
Low: 14.4 °C
Another record setting
hot sunny day.
Watered the Car Barn site with 8L of water at Noon and 930pm. Both times
people were around and I told them that the plants were edible and if they
saw anyone around to make sure no one used it as a urinal.
Agreement from folks.
The J-Choke on the West side is doing poorly but the one on the East is
starting to revive. The Evening Primose is has not fully recovered from the
move and the Anise Hyssop had light coloured leaves in the evening.
There are a few more wildflower seedlings growing [a beautiful purple flower
has bloomed on a plant about 5cm high] at the Science World site - watered
at Noon only - but it is not thriving as well as I expected for the amount
of time that the garden has established. Depending on how things progress,
in the fall, I may strip the site of the dirt and mix it with topsoil to
give it more body, do a better covering of the ground beneath and plant the
wildflowers in rows, so I can remove any plants that are not in the rows as
I got some Starbucks coffee grounds and put them on my boulevard site. I am
going to need a lot.